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  • " /> News - Appeals court seems lost on how Internet Archive harms publishers | SoftoolStore.de - Софт,Avid Media Composer,Книги,Новости,News,Windows,Internet news. | бесплатные прокси (HTTP, Socks 4, Socks 5)

    News Appeals court seems lost on how Internet Archive harms publishers


    Команда форума
    17 Февраль 2018
    17 947
    Лучшие ответы
    2 093

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    The Internet Archive (IA) went before a three-judge panel Friday to defend its open library's controlled digital lending (CDL) practices after book publishers last year won a lawsuit claiming that the archive's lending violated copyright law.

    In the weeks ahead of IA's efforts to appeal that ruling, IA was forced to remove 500,000 books from its collection, shocking users. In an open letter to publishers, more than 30,000 readers, researchers, and authors begged for access to the books to be restored in the open library, claiming the takedowns dealt "a serious blow to lower-income families, people with disabilities, rural communities, and LGBTQ+ people, among many others," who may not have access to a local library or feel "safe accessing the information they need in public."

    During a press briefing following arguments in court Friday, IA founder Brewster Kahle said that "those voices weren't being heard." Judges appeared primarily focused on understanding how IA's digital lending potentially hurts publishers' profits in the ebook licensing market, rather than on how publishers' costly ebook licensing potentially harms readers.

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