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  • " /> News - Apple must face suit over alleged policy of underpaying female workers | SoftoolStore.de - Программное обеспечение, Avid Media Composer, Книги, Новости, Windows, Интернет-новости, Бесплатные прокси (HTTP, Socks 4, Socks 5)

    News Apple must face suit over alleged policy of underpaying female workers


    Команда форума
    17 Февраль 2018
    30 388
    Лучшие ответы
    2 093
    Apple must face a potential class action alleging that Apple had a policy of paying men higher salaries than women for similar work.

    On Tuesday, California Superior Court Judge Ethan P. Schulman filed an order that largely denies Apple's motions to strike the class allegations and suspend several class claims. This allows what one lawyer representing women suing, Joseph Sellers, said was "a very important case that impacts thousands of current and former female Apple employees."

    Perhaps most significantly, Apple tried and failed to argue that pay disparities for individual female workers suing were "justified" and that their circumstances were not common to the 12,000 female employees who could be owed backpay if the class action is certified and Apple loses.

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