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    News Apple Vision Pro, new cameras fail user-repairability analysis


    Команда форума
    17 Февраль 2018
    17 947
    Лучшие ответы
    2 093

    Enlarge / Apple's Vision Pro scored 0 points in US PIRG's self-repairability analysis. (credit: Kyle Orland)

    In December, New York became the first state to enact a "Right to Repair" law for electronics. Since then, other states, including Oregon and Minnesota, have passed similar laws. However, a recent analysis of some recently released gadgets shows that self-repair still has a long way to go before it becomes ubiquitous.

    On Monday, the US Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) released its Leaders and Laggards report that examined user repairability of 21 devices subject to New York's electronics Right to Repair law. The nonprofit graded devices "based on the quality and accessibility of repair manuals, spare parts, and other critical repair materials.”

    Nathan Proctor, one of the report's authors and senior director for the Campaign for the Right to Repair for the US PIRG Education Fund, told Ars Technica via email that PIRG focused on new models since the law only applies to new products, adding that PIRG "tried to include a range of covered devices from well-known brands."

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