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    News Now Telegram’s mini-apps can run in full screen on your phone


    Команда форума
    17 Февраль 2018
    29 377
    Лучшие ответы
    2 093

    Image: The Verge

    Telegram is pushing a new 2.0 update for its in-app “mini-apps” that allows them to run full screen, enables developers to add subscription plans, allows gift sending from mini-apps, lets you add the apps to your homescreen, and more.

    Full-screen mini-apps, including games such as Doom, can run in either portrait or landscape orientations inside Telegram and include “expanded gestures and interfaces” to support more gaming genres. Like native mobile apps, mini-apps can now read your device’s processor and RAM information to optimize performance and support gyro controls.

    GIF: Telegram
    Add mini-apps to your homescreen.

    Telegram’s additions show the company’s efforts to build an all-in-one super app like China’s...

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